Jupyter Notebook vs Google Colab

David Gladson
2 min readFeb 14, 2022

Here are some of the basic differences and shortcut commands between these two tools

  1. Are these two the same?

Although both these tools have exactly the same objectives & usage, they’re a little bit different in how they operate, here are those minor differences:

Colab installation, Jupyter installation

2. Modes of operation in Colab

Command Mode (Ctrl + M or Esc): Where you don’t see a blinking cursor, cannot type but can apply a few shortcuts (insert, delete cells, …).

Edit Mode (Enter): Where you see a blinking cursor & can start writing code.

3. Shortcuts in Colab vs Jupyter

Note: The reason you see Ctrl + M in front of shortcuts in Colab is certain shortcuts work only in Command Mode & some in Edit Mode.

Thanks for reading! see you in another article.

Wanna read more?
A guide to 100+ Pandas commands

A guide to 100+ Matplotlib commands

